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时间:2014-02-21 16:48:14 点击:
纳兰巴图  满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事”

满族音乐从歌舞分类上似应分为民间音乐,祭祀音乐和宫廷筵宴音乐。  满族民间音乐产生于满族及其先人的民俗和关东民俗中,又通过民俗活动这一载体鲜活地存在和发展。通过调查和研究,满族民间音乐,目前通过关东民俗的以下几个渠道完整或部分地存续着。


    1、本民族歌舞  从上个世纪八十年代起,随着满族研究热的兴起,一些学者通过野外调查及翻查古籍资料,挖掘、整理和创作了大量的满族歌舞,尤其是满族的颁金节确定后,满族的联谊、庆祝活动、歌舞演出频频,如传统的《笊篱姑姑舞》、《喜起午》、《空齐舞》,新编的《丰收舞》、吉林小戏《三放参姑娘》等节目中,都使用了满族的传统民间音乐曲调,使满族民间音乐在这些本民族的歌舞赛事活动中保持着鲜活的生命力。

 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空


 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空

    2、新戏剧剧种  解放以后,东北三省在旧剧种及曲艺、民间歌曲、小调的基础上培植和新创了一些新剧种,如扶余的新城戏,就是以满族的音乐歌舞为主,在此基础上的创新剧种。吉林的吉剧等也都继承和保留了诸多满族的民间音乐成分。

 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空

 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空

 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空

3、东北大秧歌  东北大秧歌中,有汉族秧歌、满族秧歌及朝鲜族秧歌,在汉族及朝鲜族秧歌中,鼓点多用“老三点”(又称“三棒鼓”、“凤凰三点头”),在老三点基础上发展的五点、七点等单数点击鼓节奏,保留了满族先人《臻蓬蓬歌》中“蓬蓬蓬”(敲鼓心),“乍乍乍”(敲鼓边)的遗风,同关东各民族的粗犷豪放性格相统一。  东北大秧歌中的“秧歌帽”、“过街楼”、“柳青娘”、“大姑娘爱”、“五匹马”等曲调的调式都是“三音列”、“四音列”的满族传统民间音乐调式. 

 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空

 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空

4.传统民间小戏及二人转。  传统小戏和二人转中一些曲调,均吸收和继承了满族民间音乐的曲调,如二人转中的神调大全、小戏《二大妈看病》中二大妈“下神”的曲调就是原汁原味的请神调。二人转中的嵌字、用腔基本上继承了满族民间音乐的特点,因为满族语言一般重音落在单词的最后一个音节,又有前短后长,前紧后松,后半句长音的音节规律,故曲调尾音长,甩腔长。二人转中大量用了甩腔,是与满语这一特点有极大关系的。  又如《小寡妇上坟》中的一些曲调,又多有满族的哭丧调及“哭九场”痕迹和成分。 

 5、鼓吹乐  满族音乐原来多用鼓伴奏,没有喇叭,后来有了喇叭,鼓吹乐中也就有了满族民间音乐的成分,如辽源鼓吹乐中《老鞑子放鹰》,伊通县的《豆叶黄》、《对玉环》等都较完整地保留了满族民间音乐“三音列”、“四音列”的特点。 


1、红白喜事  东北满汉民族在红喜事中的“唱喜歌”,白喜事上的“哭丧”、“大悲调”都与满族民间音乐所差无几。  






 6、满族妇女在过年包粘饽饽时也随包随唱,就是秋天浆洗被褥捶布时也伴着棒槌起落唱“捶呀捶,捶棒槌……”等一些小曲。  这些民俗活动都给满族民间音乐的续存创造了良好条件。



(江汉力奚英波)  满族悠车歌  








 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空


 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空


 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空


 满族民乐与关东民间“红白喜事” - 纳兰巴图 - 纳兰de独语天空




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Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are updating our do-follow broken link resources to include

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Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to incl

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GLOBAL VAPE SHOP DATABASE AND VAPE STORE EMAIL LIST Do you run an e-liquid company or a vape wholesale or distribution business? Are you tired of hitting the wall with your marketing efforts? Would you like to start exploding your sales with a click of

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Good Afternoon I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands an

Good Afternoon I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands an

Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to incl

Good Afternoon I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands an

Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to incl

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Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to incl

I have access to a massive network of around 10,000 CBD and Hemp related blogs. I have been using these blogs to rank vape shops and CBD sites on top of the search engines. With this gig, you will receive a guest post on each blog (I will create unique

Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to incl

Hello there, My name is George and I'd like to know if you would have some interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog georgemartjr.com ? We are updating our broken link resources to include current and

Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to incl

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Hello there, My name is George and I'd like to know if you would have some interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog georgemartjr.com ? We are updating our broken link resources to include current and

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Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to incl

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Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to incl

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Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at hongbaixishi.hk promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to incl

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